How to say "Family" in Korea -- Korean Lesson for Beginners #2
Mother Father Gentleman!!
Hi guys! Welcome back!!
Today, we are going to learn how to say some of the family members in Korean!
Well, This is super basic! I am sure the K-drama fans are almost aware of all words here!!
For some, it could be reminding post and for the other, another new learning on the Korean language.
Like the fun song of Psy who brought so much Kpop trends.
Let us begin with the basic
How do you say "MOM" and "DAD"
In Korean,
Mom is "엄마 Umma"
Dad is "아빠 A-bba"
**double-word needs to be given a strong accent
But this is a fun and easy approach but when you address them in the public or more respective way,
아빠 (A-bba) would be "아버지 A-buzz-zi"
엄마 (Umma) would be "어머니 Uh-money"
Maybe you could have heard it in "saguk 사극, " a historical K- drama
Then you might ask, what if you have children?
For Daughter, we say "딸 Ddal"
and for Son, "아들 Adul"
**A great tip!
for Twins, you say "쌍둥이 Ssang-dung-E"
How about a sibling?
Well, here is the fun thing about Korean.
For girl-girl siblings, we call it "자매 ja-me"
For boy-boy, "형제 hyung-jay"
For girl-boy and vice versa, "남매 nam-me"
For example, we are all five girls in the family
"오(5) 자매예요"
"오 oh" which means five and it follows by "자매 ja-me"
So today we learned about how to say some family members in Korean
But before we go, how do we say FAMILY in Korean?
It would be "가족 Ga-jok" and member would be "인원 In-won"
So today we learned about Korean words for 가족인원들 in Korean
*들 dul is for multiple
All posts of mine will bring you one step closer to fluent Korean!!
All pronunciations are written in the best way for beginners to pronounce better.
I post Korean lessons every day until the day you guys can travel and
talk to Koreans and watch dramas without subtitles!
Please comment down for lessons, words, expressions, and cultures you would like to know more!