Korean Lessons of Today

Clothing and Fashion in Korean --- Korean Lessons for Beginners #03

ENGKOR 2021. 9. 25. 11:53


Hi guys! Welcome back to my blog!!

Today, we are going to talk about clothing and fashion-related words in Korean!!


Do you guys love fashion?


Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash


Okay, how do we say fashion in Korean?

It is the same 

패션 (pe-syeon)

Fashion = 패션 (Pe-sion)

Clothes = 옷 (Ot)

Styling = 스탕일링 (Sta-E-ling)

and we are gonna discuss more about

the terms of each clothing

from top to bottom


Let's go

skirt = 치마 (Chi-ma)

pants = 바지 (Ba-ji)

shorts = 반바지 (Ban-baji)

(Ban means half so means short pants)

T-shirt  = 티셔츠 (T-sheotz)

shirt = 셔츠 (Sheotz)

(셔츠 is more like a formal or very straight or plain one)

blouse /feminine shirt = 블라우스 (Bu-la-us)

socks = 양말 (Yangmal)


jacket = 재킷 (je-ket)

coat = 코트 (Ko-tu)

cardigan = 카디건 (Gadigan)

windbreaker = 바람막이 (Baram-Magi)

(바람 Baram is wind and 막이 is stopper)


Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

How about different kinds of shoes?

From high heels to slippers

and more??!



High Heels = 하이힐 or 힐 (Hi-hill or hill)

or 구두 (Gu-du)

Gudu is like a formal shoes

if you want to say high heels 

(높은 구두 <nopun gudu> high shoes)

Trainers/ Sports shoes = 운동화

Running shoes = 러닝화

Sneakers= 스니커즈

Slippers = 슬리퍼

Flats = 플랫슈즈 (flet shuz) or  단화 (danhwa)



So today, we have learned

some words in Korean!

Try to practice in the comment

and share your experience!!!


안녕! (Bye 💕)